Benaiah Poindexter
Scalp Prodigy has been operating with zero overhead for the past five years in business and averaging $300,000- $500,000 per year after soft expenses. Her company is set to make $1,000,000 in 2023 based on several projected streams of income. Benaiah has discovered the easiest way to automate her business, and operate only 4 days a month due to precise rules she follows year round coupled with delegation. Her exit strategy is based on different streams of revenue which all become passive by 2023. The Corporate Takeover helps you understand what steps to take over a six to twelve month commitment in order to get rid of monthly debt. Breathing room is the only thing that reduces stress, allows you to scale, and gives you the opportunity to truly create magic in your business. This course will teach you how to leverage debt over time to establish a profitable business operating in the black once unnecessary expenses are eliminated.